
It is basically working as Media society on the SKP road. and providing the people with a lot of tv working chance on local level. Our plays and projects are relaesed by local cable tv at a time by eight cable networks for minimum ten times releases. these play are made on the moralities and moral values to aware the peoples of the SKP road for particulate their Social problems and their solutions. Society was initially run by Sarwar A.D. After 2008 M.Kashif also showed a lot of interest toward the society working and he joined it as main working body of the society.Slowly After the Time Passed Mr.Shahzad Ali presented the idea of student award show and then whole planings were made. Finally in September 13, 2009 The Office of the society was established at Kot Abdul Malik Asif Abad Colony. Then we built associate Offices(5). Mr. Ghulam Murtaza Presented the Idea of Scholarships for the needy students, that were recently managed on regular monthly basis.

1. Managing Annual Best Student Award Show (Ltd.KAM)
2. Facilitating the needy students to Some Extent
3. Provide Means To Expose Artistry Talent Of People



  Best Student Award 2009 (Ltd.KAM) 
it was held in Kot Abdul Malik at Chalees Futta Bazar. in this show 12 student of the areas were nominated and awarded for their best performances in their studies at 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th level.


       i. Mini introduced Two academies for needy students 
             (THE ANGELS ACADEMY)
    ii. Mini introduced recently 20 scholarships for needy students


                 i. CHANNAN IK KIRAN (Long Play) Local telecast
         ii. ALIF ALLAH (long Play) local telecast
         iii. NA DUKH MUDKE (Naat DVD & VCDs)

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